"I have held up a light in the obscurity of Philosophy, which will be seen centuries after I am dead. It will be seen amidst the erection of Tombs, Theatres, Foundations, Temples, Orders and Fraternities for nobility and obedience — the establishment of good laws as an example to the World. For I am not raising a Capitol or Pyramid to the Pride of men, but laying a foundation in the human understanding for a holy Temple after he model of the World. For my memory I leave it to Men's charitable speeches, to foreign Nations and the next Ages, and to my own Country after some Time has elapsed." -- Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning (1605), Bk II.

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Join me to explore the hidden tenets of arranged alignments of architecture and art. Structures as diverse as the Great Pyramid, Baalbek, The Tower of the Winds, Hagia Sopia, Basilica San Vitale, The Dome of the Rock, St. Peter's Square, Gisors, The Newport Tower, Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest, and the Georgia Guidestones all may have a common origin.

Three reproductions of the Tower of the Winds in England help to display how this age old value is viewed through time. Along the way many legends and myths associated with the Holy Grail and other relics are examined.

Treasure myths such as the Oak Island Legend and The Beale Treasure Legend may have a common origin and hidden meaning. The tale of The Bruton Parish Church Vault (a.k.a. "Bacon's Vault) may also be a copy of an already existent mystery at Stirling Castle.


The Truth about the Shepherds of Arcadia and the Kensington Rune Stone.

Et in Arcadia Ego Solved by way of St. Andrew and the Kensington Rune.

The winter of 43 B.C. Patras Greece

Tough winter it was relatively warm as we entered the protected harbor of Patras in ships that Octavian had procured for us. He was to become emperor in part due to his role in avenging Julius Caesar’s assassins. We are the Legio X Gemina carrying the standards from many battles always loyal to the emperor. We were all being granted farms near Patras. A beautiful reward for the efforts of the X Legio (Tenth Legion).

October 28, 312 A.D. 20 kilometers north of the Circus of Rome.

It was the day prior to the most important battle in your life if not the entire scope of history. Tomorrow you would meet Maxentius in a battle that would decide the fate of the entire western world. As you rode along the dust rose from the road as your standard bearer beside you kept the flag aloft for the legions to follow. The sky was an azure blue broken only occasionally by white puffy clouds that resemble a lamb’s fleece.  Suddenly the monotonous sounds of the march were broken by excited exclamations.

Men pointed to the sky in fear and awe as what appeared to be a gigantic X appeared in the sky. It appeared as the letter Chi or X in your native Greek alphabet and was formed by two long thin clouds that formed the symbol perfectly with the sun shining through behind them. This had been the same symbol that your mother valued in association with her Christian faith. Mother was always after me to believe in the fisher of men and that the way of Christ was the one way to salvation of the soul. Though she seemed happy with this notion I found a value of Mithras and more ancient mystical beliefs suited my ambitions to rule. Still many of my Legions were adapting the faith of my mother. The appearance of the sign she valued was an omen that should be taken advantage of to inspire these men to defeat Maxentius for the glory and benefit of all Romans. Maxentius also had many Christian soldiers and it would do good to let them see that God was on our side. I would order the men to paint this design on their shields prior to the battle.

A Spring day in Scotland in the year 832 A.D.

A strange dream had awoken you in the night. This figment was so real that I wasn’t sure if I had still been asleep when a strange cloaked figure had entered my tent and kneeled at my bedside. I was not afraid as the figure began to pray over me in a strange language that I could not at first understand but heard after a short time. This was a vision of St. Andrew who had come to insure the righteousness of our victory against the oppression of the Saxon’s to the south. By my name Angus we rid this land of the invaders and persevere in our way. I awoke in the morning not sure if this had been a figment of my mind or a reality.

The other race from the south led by King Aethelstan had been harassing us for months burning our towns and cities. These Saxon’s were determined to rule the entire sunny Isle upon which we existed. With our proud race we had descended from the noble Kings of ancient Egypt and Scythia. We would fight to the last. As we marched towards what would be our destiny my standard bearer stayed close. The men were restless and anxious to settle this dispute and go on with their lives. Suddenly the men were yelling and pointing at the sky as if the sun itself were falling from the sky.
A great sign in heaven had appeared in the azure blue sky. A giant X shaped formation of clouds appeared to be blazing with a helios of a corona making flames and fingers of light that added even more to the stunning effect. The men fell to their knees in reverence. Some one yelled:
“It’s the Cross of St. Andrew! The Apostle has come to grant us victory in Battle and the righteousness of Christ in our fight!”

With this a cheer went up from the ranks and we all felt as if our endeavor had been smiled upon by our Lord and St. Andrew himself. It had been St. Andrew in my dream! The dream was real! He had sent me a sign of victory. Surely this was a good omen to be valued. Inspired by this strange event the troops were invincible that day and sent back the invaders to lick their wounds and regret ever coming to the northlands. The sign seen in the sky, that of St. Andrew would now be our standard and symbolize our independence. Like Constantine I had seen the sign that would bring us victory in our cause.

The above fictional events may reflect some real history.

Though the actual date of his crucifiction is unknown St. Andrew was crucified on an X shaped cross in Patrias, Achaea, Greece in about 50 AD. The use of an X shaped cross was likely associated with the X Roman Legion or Legio X Gemina that had been garrisoned in Patras since after the Battle of Actium. This legion had helped Octavian eventually win the crown and become Augustus Caesar. The tenth had always been a favorite of the Emperors due to their reputation for loyalty. They had been established as an elite mounted force of soldiers by Julius Caesar and they were considered to be this era’s version of Caesar’s personal bodyguard. Many of the concepts seen in the organization and deployment of the Tenth Legion would contribute to the development of equestrian Knighthoods later in European history.

The symbol of the X or Roman numeral 10 is associated with the Legion. Since by the time of Andrew the Legion and all of its families had lived in Patras for nearly one hundred years this symbol became part of the cultural identification of Patras itself. This is likely why at the time of St. Andrew’s persecution that he was crucified on an X shaped cross. This is likely in reality a reference to the Legio X of Rome. So this may be the true origin of the St. Andrew’s Cross in iconography.  
It is interesting that a symbol that was born in warfare can come to represent an apostle so obviously committed to peace and understanding between people. It is in this way that the “X” in symbology and iconography became a “good” symbol in the minds of many with its association to such a clearly defined ecclesiastical figure.

Eventually the Cross of St. Andrew would be combined with the sky blue background to form the Scottish Flag. The origins and value of the Scottish flag are the same in myth and origins as the Labarum symbol of Constantine. Both symbols feature the X symbol of St. Andrew. It is also entirely possible that the Skull and Crossedbones is also referring to St. Andrews Cross. The family arms of Sir Issac Newton for instance are comprised of Crossed Bones without the Skull included. This design appears as a St. Andrew’s Cross comprised of bones. So this crossed pattern while having many interpretations may also be associated with St. Andrew.

These two amazing stories of the Milvian Bridge and Angus the Pict are very similar. Constantine after seeing what is known as the Labarum symbol in the sky led his troops to victory against Maxentius and went on to establish one of the most important and successful reigns in Roman or Byzantine history. It is the reign of Constantine that saw Christianity take hold and become a major force in the history and development of western culture. Later Angus would see the Saltire X in the sky in a story very similar to the way Constantine had sighted his symbol of victory. Both men were valuing the Cross of St. Andrew though this is not discussed in association with Constantine and his value of this symbol. The origins of the Scottish Flag and the Labarum symbol seem to have a common origin in the legacy of St. Andrew. It may also be inferred that the similarities behind the use of these symbols and the stories of their origins was not a coincidence. It is likely that Constantine was aware of the legacy of Legio X in Patras and knew the reality of what this symbol represented. This may also be why more modern equestrian brotherhoods identify with Constantine and the Labarum symbol. It is a tradition of the Roman Legions as much as a sign of Christianity.

Though it is disputed where Constantine’s mother Helena was from it is clear that Constantine grew up in what is today Serbia once part of the more ancient region of Macedonia or Greece. Other sources state Constantine’s home in Northwestern Turkey near Byzantium so either way he was clearly from the Greek cultural sphere and grew to maturity in the same region in which Andrew had come to. This is indeed the region that was evangelized by Saint Andrew after the time of Christ’s resurrection. As Constantine grew up he was likely exposed to Christian concepts such as the Cross of St. Andrew that forms the letter X. At the same time given his Imperial background he would have been aware of the significance of the Roman numeral X and its relation to the Legions of Rome and that division’s glorious history.

The brand of the faith that Constantine was exposed to was influenced more by Andrew than any other figure besides possibly Christ himself. Andrew by many accounts was crucified on an X shaped cross and not a T shaped cross like Christ was crucified on. This is the reason the Cross of St. Andrew is an X shape. It seems obvious given the culture and region that Constantine grew up in that the shape he would adapt as a sign of Christianity would include the X shape in vernation of St. Andrew. Constantine would add elements to the basic Labarum sign that referred to the Alpha and Omega of Jesus.

If we follow a value of the symbols and shapes valued by Constantine as later adapted by Angus and other Scotsmen we may see it apply in a secret way to many of the mysteries that are examined here. A true understanding of this symbol applies to many different historical questions such as the strange runes present on the Kensington Rune Stone, and the presence of associated symbols seen at other places like Rosslyn Chapel, The Great Cross of Hendaye, The International Peace Garden, St. Sulpice, Palacio Monctezuma, Rennes le Chateau and several other places. The association of this symbol with Legio X Gamina and Equestrus gave the X a special meaning to later Knighthoods and Orders that valued this aspect of the symbols interpretation.

Eventually Andrew’s remains would be interred at the Church in Patras, Arcadia, Greece. After the Fourth Crusade the Duchy of Athens and Neopatria were formed in Greece along with the Principality of Arcadia that would be ruled by the Princes of Achaea (Arcadia) including the Anjou Prince’s of Achaea Charles I, II, and III. The Anjou’s would be representative of what would become a hidden value of St. Andrew in addition to their fascination with Mary Magdalene. The nearby Crusader State of the Duchy of Neopatria also included the Oracle at Delphi within it boundaries. The nobles of Aragon who had intermarried with the lines of Frederick II HRE and the Anjou’s held control of the Ducy of Athens and Neopatria from about 1210 to 1270.

In this fashion we may be seeing the Normans occupying a culture region of Greece that had had an impact on their culture via the myth of Apollo travelling to Boreas to teach the population the ways of the Greeks. Boreas is even one of the Gods featured on the Tower of the Winds that had likely also inspired Constantine in the building of his octagons. An examination of the history of the Hauteville legacy coupled with that of Frederick II and the Anjou’s displays a desire of these dynasties to take over what was left of the Byzantine Empire during the fourth crusade. This era also saw the development of groups like the Knights of St. John and Knights Templar developing and appreciation for the Labarum symbol and its military meanings coupled with the association with Constantine and his version of Christianity.

It is as if they were aware of their legacy as exposed here and had waited hundreds of years to take back what they felt was their cultural origins. This may have been one of the lesser known aims of some of those that took part in the Crusades. This interest on the part of these families may also expose a belief that they were related to Constantine and their value of St. Andrew was a result of this belief. Even the Greek City name of Argos is a form of the name “Aragon.” This may be one of the values of what Fulcanelli terms “argotique” or gothic art. This interpretation may expose the final meaning as being “Aragon art.” Does this infer that the Aragonese believed they were somehow descendant of people from Greece? Many things that they and the Hauteville dynasty did reflect some truth to this idea. The name of famous astronomer and cartographer François Arago’s is also derivation of the Argaon dynasty. He is also from territory once encompassed in their domain.
It is likely that the entire theme of the mysteries that we see in the term “Et in Arcadia  Ego” or “in Arcadia I am” is referring to the legacy and remains of St. Andrew as displayed in his life and in the similar stories of the value of the Cross of St. Andrew on the part of Constantine and Angus. 

This may even comprise the information concealed in the “secret” discussed of in letters associated with Nicholas Fouquet and Marie of Guise (to different individuals). Fouquet describes a secret held by Nicholas Poussin that would have a great impact on the power of the church. This is odd since Poussin was associated with Jesuit magi Athanasius Kircher who was a master geometrician and scholar. It appears as if Poussin may have included in his “secret” in part the information being exposed here for the first time. The inscription of “Et in Arcadia Ego” seen in two of his works is the main clue linking to St. Andrew who preached and is interred in the region of Arcadia (Achaea) in Greece. St Andrew is the one in the tomb being examined by the Shepherd’s of Arcadia.

St. Andrew was crucified on an X shaped cross in Patris Greece. His remains subsequently were kept as relics in the Church there. Through history his relics have been spread to a few different churches and Cathedrals with the Catholic Church actually returning a large portion of the skull and and other parts to the Greek Orthodox Church in 1980. The Greek Church has built a magnificent Basilica reminiscent of Hagia Sophia though somewhat smaller to house the remains. St. Andrew the Patron Saint of Scotland is also the Patron Saint of Russia who has readapted the Order of St. Andrew at the fall of the Soviet Union.

All of this new information combined may also give further rationale to the theory that Constantine had built an octagon on the Temple Mount and had been interred beneath it at the time of his death. This had been the information that the Templars had found beneath the Temple Mount. Constantine had left them a mystery and it involved the concept of St. Andrew and the symbol that represented him.

Nicholas Poussin was the artist who created the painting “The Shepherd’s of Arcadia” that introduced the mystery of “Et in Arcadia Ego” mostly to fans of the Rennes le Chateau mystery as presented in the book “The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.” Many people are forced to ask themselves the question:

“So. What is in Arcadia that we are supposed to see here and apply to this mystery?”

The answer to that question would include a resounding:

“You are supposed to find the story of St. Andrew and his cross and how Constantine used it. Following this cross symbol and others will lead you to the truth.”

It is possible that the entire mystery of Rennes le Chateau or more specifically the Devil’s Seat and Rennes le Bain may be associated with a mystery referencing St. Andrew and not Mary Magdalene. This could point to the unpleasant assumption that a mythology of Mary Magdalene has been applied to a place that has more to do w/ the legacy of St. Andrew than her. The mysteries of Rennes le Chateau and Rennes le Bains may have different themes yet are linked together by those assuming that these places are part of the same question. It is possible they are and that Mary Magdalene is involved but this is unclear at this point. This may also apply to the presence of a rendering of Poussin’s “Shepherds of Arcadia” being featured on the Shepherds Monument at Shugborough Hall. As discussed the orientation of this statue itself points an arc on the globe to the International Peace Garden on the border of the United States and Canada.

The use of the term “Et in Arcadia ego” at Rennes le Chateau and Shugborough Hall as it applies to Scottish history and St. Andrew is exposed in the spatial relationship of the octagonal Kings Knot at Stirling and how it points to the Star in the landscape of Rennes le Chateau with the orientation of the Star pointing back to the Kings knot. The star and Kings Knot seemed to have been arranged intentionally to reflect this talismanic spatial relationship. The line or arc on the globe that connects these two places crosses the Tower of the Winds at Shugborough Hall firmly establishing a geographic topology or scheme that displays all the components need to solve the mystery. Both Rennes le Chateau and Shugborogh contain the “Et in Arcadia Ego” reference that is truly referring to Constantine and St. Andrew. Many who study the Rennes le Chateau conundrum have no idea how closely Scottish people are involved in the tale they value so much.

It is obvious that all of this architecture was likely arranged by Scottish and other European people that have a Norman legacy tied to the Hauteville family. This would have included all of their family relations in the Kingdom of Aragon. This does include the Cult of St. James as displayed in Scots nobility coupled with their veiled veneration of Constantine in the form of the Saltire X and blue background of the Scottish Flag. It is clear that the Anjou’s and Aragonese had a distinct value of both of these concepts and took part in the arrangement of talismanic architecture. In fact it is clear that any Scottish value of these mysteries had come from their Norman brothers and sisters of Spain and Italy. All of this adds up to inform one that the lone letter “X” near the top of the Great Cyclic Cross of Hendaye is indeed the Cross of St. Andrew.

St. James’ encounter with Our Lady in Zaragosa and all the legends of Girona, Rennes le Chateau, Perillos, and the Holy Grail at both Montserrat Monastery and San Juan de la Pena all take place within the territorial dominion of the Aragon dynasty connected with the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and the Anjou’s. The Aragonese dynasty also includes direct connections to English and Scottish royalty that would connect them all together in this possible belief that they were descendant from Constantine who may in turn have been convinced he descended from St. Andrew or Christ. It is clear given the region where Constantine is from coupled with his mother’s Christian faith that the Cross of St. Andrew inspired the design of the Labarum. Many of the “argo” references in Fulcanelli’s book “Mystery of the Cathedrals” are actually referring to the Kingdom of Aragon in a metaphorical way. It’s all about the “Argotique” or “gothic art.”

The Kensington Rune has been discussed in detail earlier in this book. The stone seems to have been left to mark the boundaries of the Hudson’s Bay Company at some point prior to or early in its history. It is clear that it may have been left at any point from 1230 to 1700. The HBC was established in 1670 with Prince Rupert of the Rhine as governor. It is clear that Prince Rupert was part of the Hauteville axis of power that valued these symbols. The historical dynamics of this region would dictate that the stone was placed by element of the Hudson’s Bay Company with the older included date to indicate the era in which people were first sent to explore the continent during the era of Rollo and the Norman occupation of western France. This also corresponds with the era of the establishment of L’ Anse Aux Meadows and the advent of the magnetic compass. Alternately Rollo had actually deposited this stone near the headwaters of the Mississippi River and it was later used as a boundary marker. It is also possible that a party sent by Rollo had travelled to the west coast in the region of the mouth of the Columbia River thus enabling them to situate a central axis a point (Turtle Mountain) that was representative of the east to west axis of the Continent at this latitude.

The Kensington Stone even contains the premiere secret symbols of our specific families beliefs or secrets as seen in many early versions of the Labarum symbol. The Kensington Stone includes these runic characters given in a Masonic cipher from Scandinavia that was popular right at the time of the establishment of the Hudson’s Bay Company. The symbols or decipherment of them on the Kensington Stone do include versions of the Labarum and Auspice of Maria symbol that are valued here. As we may see this symbology has nothing to do with Mary Magdalene beyond some confusing the Auspice of Mary symbol as referring to her because they contain the same name.

Early versions of the Labarum included the Greek letter “A” which appears with a ‘v’ shaped crossbar on the left side of the “X” or St. Andrews Cross portion of the design. To the right at the same yet opposite position the Omega Greek letter is displayed as a kind of sideways numeral 3 that resembles a double treble hook used by fishermen (of men). This version of the Labarum symbol and the secrets of St. Andrew are what is being referred to on the Kensington Rune. Not Mary Magdalene. It is more likely that followers of Mary Magdalene would use any symbol associated with Mary Mother of Jesus as a coded way to refer to her. So this symbol was not originally created and designed to represent Mary Magdalene. The same may be said of the individual Auspice of Mary symbol that resembles the letter A. This is a symbol of a consecrated location and also serves as the logo for St. Sulpice. So this symbol also was not designed or originally used with Mary Magdalene but may possibly be viewed in a secret manner by her followers.

The letter “rho” or P that is included in the Labarum is the Imperial sign that is included in this symbol. This letter “P” is a representation of an Imperial Standard or pennant and is also an Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol for “ruler.” In some forms of Egyptian hieroglyphs the symbol of the X when combined with the P shape could mean “City of Ruler.” In hieroglyphics these symbols are never combined so this may be a coincidence.

The strange letter X seen on the Kensington Stone is that portion of the Labarum that includes the X itself and a representation of the Omega symbol in the small portion of it that extends inward from the right arm of the X. This design was made to resemble the hooked shape design of the Omega symbol in tandem with part of the X that is already there.

Elsewhere on the stone the individual letters AVM (Ave Maria) appear to display or suggest the Auspice of Maria which is present on the Labarum symbol to the left in the form of the letter “A” with the “v” shaped crossbar that resembles what would come to be known as the Compass and Square of Freemasonry. In this way we may see a deeper interpretation of that symbol as it associates with Our Lady, Constantine and St. Andrew. These symbols on the Kensington stone combined give us the image of the Labarum, Constantine, and St. Andrew all in one easy to read sign. Ultimately these symbols seem to refer to Constantine in a secret way. Note that two letters “X” combined next to each other also produce the AVM Auspice of Mary Symbol. Ave Maria.

The “story” told in the English language decipherment of the runes on the stone that tells of men being killed and buried may be a vehicle simply to display these symbols so that those in the know will realize who actually left the stone where it was originally discovered. These symbols also relate to the family heritage of those that established the Hudson’s Bay Company all the way back to the Hauteville’s, Stewarts, Hohenstaufen’s and more.

The strange X and AVM symbols on the Kensington Stone are telling you that the group of people discussed here are the ones who left the stone. This includes the entire legacy of this family line from the time of Christ to the establishment of the Hudson’s Bay Company and beyond. In the process the Knights Templar have been attributed with many of the historical events and activities that this family group along with the Knights of Malta and Catholic Church have perpetrated. Along the way they have blamed every distasteful and morally repugnant thing they have done on the heads of the Knights Templar who no longer existed during the time any of this happened. Indeed the historical Knights Templar no longer exist and no one is here to defend them from competing orders who had existed since the dissolution of the original Knights Templar in 1307.

Given recent popular narratives we are being led to believe that the Knights Templar created the Kensington Stone, Newport Tower, and more. The Templars are blamed for being Pirates at a time when they did not even exist and were being hunted down or hiding in other orders. Every strange incidence of history is attributed to this group of people who ceased to exist in 1307 while the above-mentioned groups continued with no impediments to anything they wished to do. The Templars had once kept this gentrified group in check via the use of second born nobles who had the interest of the Order in mind as opposed to their family legacies. This is likely one of the reasons the Knights Templar were disbanded and demonized in such a manner. This is why they are blamed for being “Pirates” at a time the order did not even exist. In a move that would signal what would later come of the Templars Frederick II HRE actually banned then from existence in Sicily. It’s political. Hint: There is an island called Malta that served as a Pirate base for the Hauteville dynasty for hundreds of years.

It also speaks to the reasons their “pardon” was only recently brought to light. It also suggests that the Knights Templar may have only played a limited role in the development of Scotland after the time of Robert the Bruce. There is a great deal of evidence that the Knights of St. John (Malta) may have been behind many of the events and people that are attributed to as being “Templars.” This confusion has been added to through history by the fact that many past historians seemed to refer to any Knighthood associated with the crusades as “Templars.” The similarity in the use of the Teutonic Cross and Cross Patee may have contributed to this confusion in the minds of the public. That’s o.k. they like you confused.

All of the symbols present on the Kensington Rune indicate the involvement of the Catholic Church and a Knighthood associated. Even the date present on the stone, if valid, would indicate that the “Templars” had not been the ones to leave this stone. Given all of this it is still not clear when the stone was deposited as the same family line has a legacy of the value of this region starting at the time of the Roman Emperors yet not likely fully taken advantage of until the time of Colonial settlement and the creation of the Hudson’s Bay Company. It is the earlier surveying trips of these people through time that have led to many misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Some of these trips may have included an intentional or unintentional interference in Native American culture in a manipulative way. Later in history as Spain subsumed Mexico many intelligence service ploys seemed to have been used against Native groups so it is not too hard to image this going on at any point during the contact phase of European interaction with Native Americans. These kinds of psychological techniques had been deployed against their own enemies in Europe so why would they not employ some of these “Heart of Darkness” cargo cult techniques on these other people? There are some Native American sites like Newark Earthworks and Serpent Mound that seem to have had some influence from another culture possibly that of Central America. It is also possible that both of these sites were influenced by early explorers associated with the family groups and organizations that may have surveyed what they thought of as their property periodically in the past.

There is a symbol at Rosslyn Chapel that conforms to what is being said here. Though it is graffiti is resembles the X seen on the Kensington stone with the addition of the Omega on the right crossbar of the letter. The difference in this rendition of the same symbology includes the verticie of the X having a “V” added below it to form the Auspice of Maria showing the letters “A” and “M” together with the Cross of St. Andrew thus suggesting the Labarum which is a solidly Catholic symbol not related to Mary Magdalene. Recent examinations of the Newport Tower by Gary Gianotti include him discovering both the Auspice of Maria (Mary) symbol in conjunction with the sideways numeral 3 design of the Omega symbol. Some one had also added this message in graffiti to the Newport Tower at a date sometime after its construction.

As seen in our examination of the Great Cyclic Cross of Hendaye and Ronda Spain a form of the Auspice of Maria symbol using two laterally combined letters “X” is present on the lintel of the entryway to Palacio Monctezuma in Ronda. It is present on the headstones of some of the past Priests of Rennes le Chateau. Many times this symbol seems to occur in relation to Jesuit symbols such as at Rennes le Chateau, Chateau Abbadia, The Hendaye Church of St Vincent, and the Church of St. Martin in Sara France. Again all of these places once ruled by Hauteville descendants via the Kingdom of Aragon as well as the Basque Culture. All of the mysteries of this region seem to include the concepts of St. Andrew, Mary Magdalene, and St. James.

It will be shocking and hard to believe for many who are drawn to the genre of the Grail Quest to believe this but much of this has been crafted for us in order to teach one a lesson and educate you to the truth of history.

The Alpha and Omega are included as part of the design of the famous Visigothic Pillar of
Rennes le Chateau. This is upsidedown w/ the Alpha and Omega at the top. The desgin on this
pillar is similar to the Labarum and X symbol from the Kensington Stone. Its all about St. Andrew.

1 comment:

Ishtar said...

Great post, thanks, Cort!